luni, 21 ianuarie 2013

Spray Art of David Walker.. Arta cu spray a lui David Walker

EN: Spray Art of David Walker

Spray painting has become lately one of the well known form of art all around the world. David Walker is an artist involved in spray art and has exhibited his creations ever since 2004. Until the present time he participated in over 60 exhibitions, mostly in UK but not only.
Without aid of stencils or brushes London-based artist David Walker creates elaborately explosive portraits using directly applied spray paint. Even as the colors drip and mix on large outdoor walls it’s hard to imagine the level of control and detail the artist must possess to create the shadows, lines, and textures that create each piece. The top and bottom pieces in this post are recent works seen in London and Paris, and you can see much more on his Facebook page and in his shop where he has nearly a dozen portraits available as high quality prints.

RO: Arta cu spray a lui David Walker

Picturile realizate cu spray-ul a devenit una din formele de arta bine cunoscute in jurul lumii. David Walker este un artist implicat in aceasta arta si a expus creatiile inca din 2004. Pana in prezent a participat la peste 60 de expozitii, in mare parte in Marea Britanie dar nu numai.
Fara ajutorul creioanelor sau pensulelor, artistul londonez David Walker creaza portrete bine elaborate folosind doar vopsea aplicata din spray-uri. Chiar daca culorile se scurg si se amesteca pe peretii de exterior, este greu de imaginat nivelul controlului si detaliile la care atistul trebuie sa lucreze pentru a realiza umbrele, liniile si textura astfel incat sa creeze fiecare piesa. Piesele sunt unele din lucrarile recente expuse la Londra si Paris. Puteti vedea mai multe lucrari pe Facebook sau pe pagina sa de internet.    

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