luni, 28 ianuarie 2013

Magnificent Indian Temple Carved from One Giant Rock.. Un templu indian superb, sculptat dintr-o singura roca gigant

EN: Magnificent Indian Temple Carved from One Giant Rock

When most of us were growing up, we learned about a handful of man-made wonders of the world such as the pyramids in Egypt, the Colosseum in Rome, and the Great Wall of China. One that may have slipped right past you could have been the Kailashnath Temple in Maharashtra, India.

What's most amazing about the Kailashnath Temple is that it's carved out of one single rock. Carvers started at the top and excavated downward, exhuming the temple out of the existing rock. The traditional methods were rigidly followed by the master architect, which could not have been achieved by excavating from the front.

Dedicated to Hindu Lord Shiva, the temple was built between 756-774 CE by the Rashtrakuta king Krishna I and measures about 60 feet tall and 200 feet wide. All the carvings are done on more than one level. Originally flying bridges of stone connected these galleries to central temple structures, but they have since fallen. The base of the temple has been carved to suggest that elephants are holding the structure aloft.

RO: Un templu indian superb, sculptat dintr-o singura roca gigant

Cu totii am invatat ca exista pe lume minuni create de mana umana precum piramidele din Egipt, Coloseum-ul din Roma si Marele Zid Chinezesc. Inca una dintre aceste minuni ar putea fi si templul Kailashnath din Maharashtra, India.

Ce este atat de extraordinar la templul Kailashnath este faptul ca a fost sculptat dintr-o singura stanca. Sculptorii au inceput de la varf si apoi au excavat spre interior, aducand la lumina templul care exista in stanca. Metodele traditionale au fost urmate in mod rigid the maestrii arhitecti, neputand dobandi aceste rezultate daca ar fi incercat sa excaveze din fata.

Dedicat lui Hindu lor Shiva, templul a fost contruit intre 756-774 d.Hr. de Rashtrakuta regele Krishna I si mare o inaltime de 60 de picioare(aproximativ 18.29 metri) si o latime de 200 de picioare (aproximativ 60.96 metri). Toate sculpturile au fost facute in mai mult de o singura etapa. Initial existau poduri "zburatoare" de stanca ce conectau aceste galerii la structurile centrale ale templului, insa au cazut ulterior. Baza templului a fost sculptata pentru a sugera ca elefantii sustin structura in sus.

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